Members Home Page


Each month we publish and electronic Members Newsletter that contains information we would like members to be aware of. Twelve months of newsletters will be stored online for access at any time.

BOD Meeting Minutes

The LRAA Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the LRAA Gallery. This will be the location where you can read the minutes from each meeting. All members are welcome to these monthly BOD meetings to provide input during the open sessions.

Coming Events

The Coming Events page on the open website provides the viewer with information about an exhibit or show.

The Member’s Coming Events page is where you will find critical dates, requirements, registration info & forms.

Request an Artist Webpage

As a paid “Gallery” member of the Association, you are entitled to a free personal webpage. This single, that is broken into up to four categories of art. Each category can house up to eight individual pieces of art. If you are interested in requesting a webpage, use the link below to get started.