Coming Events

This exhibit theme is limited to “garden” related art, which can include a vast array of subject matter from garden tools and garden plants. Whenever appropriate, are should be framed and include a wire hanger (no sawtooth hangers).

Size Limitation: 30” on the longest side.

Pre-Registration is required. We have provided a registration link below. Once submitted you can not re-edit your entry. You can, however, register an additional item and indicate in this new registration which original artwork is to be deleted.

Pricing is the same as last year. “Gallery members” can enter up to three artworks - $5 for one, $10 for up to three.
Association Members in good standing (dues up to date) are $5.00 per artwork submitted.

Schedule Dates

  • Online Registration Opens
    Online registration is required for all who have the ability to log in and register. Entry payment will be due when your art is dropped off at the gallery. Be sure your payment is entered into the log book and scanned into Clover when you make your payment.

  • All artwork must be in the LRAA Gallery by this date & time. Walk-ins after this time will not be accepted. Artwork can be left in the gallery from 2/20 to 2/23 and must be wrapped and clearly identified with Artist Name and Title of Artwork.

    Exhibit set up will take place this same day. Volunteers are needed.

  • Day 1 of Art in the Garden Exhibit

  • All food items and volunteers needed at the gallery ahead of the Reception

  • Artist Reception from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. We encourage all members to attend with family and friends. Light snacks and refreshments will be available.

  • Please help with the post-reception clean up. All left over food items should be wrapped and either returned or appropriately store at the gallery. Tables will need to be cleaned and returned to their appropriate location.

  • Exhibit tear down. Volunteers will be needed to wrap and label art for storage in the slots out back. If you can stop by and pick up your art this day, it would be helpful. IF you can volunteer to help for a couple hours it would be out-standing!

    Display panels also require removal and storage.

  • All artwork needs to be picked up at the gallery no later than Wednesday, April 2nd. LRAA can not assume responsibility for artwork left in storage. Bylaws state that artwork left in the gallery by a specific time frame become the property of LRAA and can be sold.