Why do we need to register online?

What happens behind the scenes after you register for an exhibit:

Step 1. Downloading Information: The registration details are gathered from an online spreadsheet (Google Sheets) and saved to the computer.

Step 2. Organizing the Data: The information is then cleaned up to make sure everything looks the same. People enter their information in different ways, so we correct capitalization, punctuation, and fill in any missing details. We also remove any duplicate entries.

Step 3. Preparing for Labels: Next, we adjust the cleaned-up information to work with the mailing label function in Microsoft Word. It is placed into a template using a special tool called Mail Merge. After this, we carefully check the preview to ensure everything looks consistent.

Step 4. Printing and Sorting Labels: The labels are printed on card stock, nine labels to a sheet. After printing, they are cut to size, sorted alphabetically by last name, and made ready for use at the gallery during the show setup.

Step 5. Creating a Food Donation List: The data is then rearranged to create a list of food and snack donations for the reception.

Step 6. Making Drop-Off and Pick-Up Lists: Finally, the data is reorganized once more to make the gallery’s drop-off and pick-up worksheets for the artwork.

Note: Each time artists register late or change their registration information, this entire process is repeated. This is why we now request timely and accurate registration information online.