August 2024 Members Newsletter

What’s Inside

New in 2024!

We want to
hear from you

Pick up a ballot sheet and as you are perusing the art entered into this exhibit, vote for your favorite in each division. Our outside judges made their technical choices earlier in the month. Now you get to make your voice heard.

Voting will be open through September 2nd. The winners will be announced at the Fur & Feather Exhibit’s Artist Reception on September 21st. We’ll also list the winners on this website.

New Business

  • - A reminder to those wishing to have a personal web page on the Lakes Region Art Gallery website: Mike McQuade is in the process of building the individual artist web pages. If you desire to be a part of this website and have your art displayed on your own page, 1) email Mike ( to confirm you are interested, 2) then watch for a return email with a list of things you will need to gather and send in.

  • Two new members were juried into the association during the August Board of Directors meeting. Please welcome Sharon Seaward (Photographer) and David Moore (Artist and Photographer).

  • The new Flip Side restaurant in downtown Laconia has reached out to us offering wall space for a remote gallery. More to come on this in the near future.

  • The Gallery will be participating in the 2024 Castle in the Clouds Christmas Holiday display again this year. The theme is “Home for the Holidays.” We are once again providing ornaments for the Christmas tree and this year there is space for 28 framed artworks. Start planning your submissions now and watch for more information in the near future.

  • HELP WANTED! - The Board of Directors is looking for a volunteer coordinator to make the LRAA Field Trips happen. If you are interested in coordinating a few trips a year to various exhibits, shows, and events, reach out to Sherwood or Gail.

Tickets are $5.00 each, 3 for $10. You can put all your tickets in one box, or divide them up to increase your chance of winning. The winning tickets will be drawn on September 21st. You do not need to be present to win. Good luck!

Mystery Art Raffle

Three of our talented artists have each donated a piece of original art to this raffle. For $5.00 you could walk away with an original, signed piece of art worth hundreds.

* First Place: Linn Stilwell
* Second Place: Stephanie McQuade
* First Place: Robert Heiner
* Second Place: Robert Heiner
* First Place: Sherwood Frazier
* Second Place: Mike McQuade

Terry Calder with her Oil Painting
"Turning Point"

Our Annual Members’ Exhibit is now open to the public and will run through September 2nd. This is a large, juried showing of art by many of LRAA’s finest artists in eight different mediums: Oil, Watercolor, Acrylic, Drawing (graphite, charcoal, colored pencil, pen and ink), Pastel, and this year, Color and Black & White photography. With pieces judged by three esteemed outside jurists, each with a profound understanding of Fine Art, you are guaranteed a display of exceptional quality and diversity. Whether you are an art aficionado, a discerning collector, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of artistic expression, this exhibit offers a unique opportunity to explore and acquire art that resonates with the heart and mind. Experience the breadth of styles and mediums, from captivating landscapes to abstract compositions, each piece a testament to the passion and skill of our local artists. By visiting, you not only support the arts community but also may end up taking home a piece of New Hampshire’s artistic heritage.

Winners in the
84th Annual Members Exhibit

Congratulations to the winners in our
Annual Members Exhibit.

* First Place: L. Stetson-Schoch
* Second Place: L. Stetson-Schoch
* First Place: Pat Schubert
* Second Place: Gail Brunt
Mixed Media
* First Place: Michael DeVolve
* Second Place: Christine Fogg
* First Place: Terry Calder
* Second Place: Martha AuCoin
* First Place: Pam Gramatikas
* Second Place: Gail Brunt

Best in Show

“Turning Point”
Oil Painting by
Terry Calder

Old Business worth repeating

  • Online Registration… in order for our monthly shows to run smoothly, we find it necessary to require online registrations. Payments will be made at drop-off, but in order for wall tags to be printed in a timely fashion, and to get all the information about each artist and their work, online it is! There will be links to each event’s registration form on the website. If you have any difficulty with the form, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Do you have something to say that belongs in the newsletters? Each month LRAA publishes two newsletters - one for our customers and another for our paid membership. If you have news or information you would like published in either or both newsletters, send that information to both Gail Brunt and Mike McQuade. Items for the Member Newsletter must be submitted by the Tuesday following the Board Meeting (1st Wednesday of the month), by noon. Items for the Customer Newsletter should be submitted by the 24th of each month. Send your article to:

    • Gail:

    • Mike:

  • Table Exhibits: Maximum size for artwork appearing on the table space is 14” on the longest side.

  • Overflow from the monthly exhibits may end up using table space.

  • En Plein Air Event: Duane and Sandy Hammond plan to open the property to a member’s event slated for September 14, 2024, from sunrise to sunset. Info is on the new website under Coming Events.

  • LRAA & Artificial Intelligence [AI]: Beginning with the registration form for the 84th Annual Members Exhibit in August, there will be a question regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your art. This question must be answered in order to continue with the application. The term Artificial Intelligence referenced on the registration form is basically stating the artwork was the creation of the artist and not an AI-assisted image.

  • Art Book Library: Did you know that we have a pretty large collection of art books that have been donated for members’ use? Check them out!

Thank you to our Patrons & Sponsors

Patrons of the Arts:
Lynn Casey ~ Joyce Donohue ~ Susan Cutillo ~ Thomas Hitchcock
Pat Edsall ~ Christine Fogg ~ Eastman Hill Enterprises ~ Beth Morley

President’s Notes:

I want to extend my gratitude to all involved, for your incredible contributions and outstanding volunteerism in the production and participation in the 84th Annual Membership Exhibit. The dedication and passion for the arts were truly evident in every aspect of the event, from the meticulous planning and setup to the enthusiastic engagement with visitors.

I would be remiss if I did not say a special thank you to Linn Stillwell for taking the lead and pulling it all together, including a very special Friday night awards reception. Another special thanks go to Lynn Casey and her amazing crew for staging and decorating the gallery, creating an ambiance befitting an awards night.

As this exhibit continues through the month it is a testament to the hard work and commitment of each member that has contributed art. It is inspiring to see such a vibrant display of talent and creativity come to life through your collective efforts.

Your willingness to volunteer your time and share your artistic skills has not only enriched the exhibit but has also strengthened our community's bond and appreciation for the arts. The exhibit is not just a showcase of remarkable artworks, but a celebration of the spirit of collaboration and support that has defined our association for 84 years. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and for making this year's event a memorable and meaningful experience for everyone involved. We look forward to continuing this tradition of excellence together far into the future.

This brings me to our next association-wide project. I’m asking each of you to start thinking about next year’s programs; I’m hoping to include 5 or 6 monthly exhibits (including the 85th annual), 1 or 2 children’s programs, several individual artist shows, en plein air days, group day trips, and more in-gallery classes for all age groups. We need your ideas for raising money to fund all our programs as well as ways to increase foot traffic through the gallery. Send your ideas and how you would manage them to the board by email or come to the next BOD meeting and speak to us in person.

“L’art pour L’art”

Sherwood Frazier,
President, LRAA